"I...I...uuuum...I...", I stammer, looking wildly about for something, anything, to break this intense discomfort. Then, thankfully, a godsend. My cellphone rings. I dive for my purse, tossed haphazardly on the floor next to the vanity, and rummage through it anxiously, tossing chapstick, condom, lipgloss, pen, and hotel notepad out to litter the shining hardwood floor in my haste.

At last, I retrieve my prize-and my heart drops. It is my girlfriend. HIS girlfriend-well, wife, actually. As though you can read my mind through the back of my head, you take two long strides & are standing behind me, peering over my shoulder at the offending phone screen, before I can click the screen off & claim forgotten alarm or calender reminder or...well...ANYTHING except for this.
"Answer it." You order, in a tone that allows for no argument.

With trembling fingers, I click the green, blinking phone icon at the bottom of the screen, and hold it gingerly to my ear, as though the bright LCD may burn me if I let it get too close. "He...hell...hello...?" I squeak, my stomach churning, every memory of you & your godDAMNED voyeuristic tendencies flooding me with fear & fury.
"Heyyyyy, babes!!!" A woman voice shrills from the other side of the phone. "SO...guess who just called me...like...not EVEN 15 minutes ago...WHILE we were FUCKING!!!" She laughs, and without even pausing to take a breath, continues on, "My IDIOT husband, THATS who! Oh, baby, I'm sooooo sensitive! Less suction! You have a talented enough tongue as it is, without SUCKING on my goddamn clit, too! If I cum again so soon, I swear, I'll just DIE!" She giggles breathily into the phone.
You glower down at the phone, the intensity of your gaze almost enough to fry the thing, I think. Then, you do the last thing I ever expected. You punch the speaker phone button with one finger, and at the same time, scoop me up off the floor where I had alighted in my quest for my phone, and gaze down into my eyes.
Your own burn with a fierce, fiery intensity. Then, you push me up against the wall, and your mouth finds mine. Warm & firm & ferocious & also oh-so-tender. You devour my lips with your own. A deep, passionate kiss, your tongue pressing up insistently against my lips, parting them, seeking my own tongue. A warmth begins to well inside me. One I have not allowed myself to feel in quite some time. A tingling, tight, tenseness that aches to be released.

"Oh my GOD. It was so FUNNY, i couldve just DIED!!!...babe...? Are you there, Nix...??" She trills on the other end of the phone.
I try to extricate myself from your clutches, but we are fully intertwined now, so all that comes out is a muffled "mmmph..." noise, as I try to respond.
Then, you step back, leaving me suddenly gasping for breathe, pounding with passion, aching with desire...
"She's otherwise engaged at the moment, my dear." you state blandly, although the look in your eyes belies the calmess in your voice.
"B-A-be...?!" She exclaims, the pronunciation of the word, to say nothing of the shock in her voice, indicating that she is now addressing, with full recognition, you, her husband, and no longer me, on the other end of the phone.
"That's right, honey." You purr, velvety voice dripping with sarcasm as you spit out the word 'honey', and I hear her gasp, a shocked, sharp intake of breath at the other end of the phone, "and me & your delicious, delightful little girlfriend here are just about to fuck each other's brains out!"